阿纳-雅克布森彩蛋椅 (1958)
从1.699,15 €
1.999,00 €
In their plain, simple form, Bauhaus products are a design revolution. Form is completely subordinate to functionality, or in other words: "form follows function". Many of the products developed by the Bauhaus, both in their original form and in their further development, are still an integral part of many households today, such as the cantilever chair, the Wagenfeld lamp or the Bauhaus wallpaper.
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欢迎来到苹果粉丝潮人基本装备的世界,在这里,创新与时尚相遇,科技成为一种生活方式。我们的精选产品体现了现代潮人的审美精髓,并与您所期待的苹果产品无与伦比的品质和优雅相得益彰。"选择你所需要的潮人 "不仅是一个标题,也是我们的承诺:在这里,你将找到极简设计与先进功能的完美结合。让自己沉浸在这样一个世界里:在这里,你的技术不仅有用,还能体现你的独特个性。做出明智的选择,让您的日常数字生活更有格调--为您的苹果粉丝潮人而设计。