In their plain, simple form, Bauhaus products are a design revolution. Form is completely subordinate to functionality, or in other words: "form follows function". Many of the products developed by the Bauhaus, both in their original form and in their further development, are still an integral part of many households today, such as the cantilever chair, the Wagenfeld lamp or the Bauhaus wallpaper.
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艾琳-格雷(Eileen Gray)钟爱轻便、实用、可瞬间移动的家具。这款"适用于各种场合 "的桌子也可以像手柄一样抬起来,带到任何需要的地方。与可调节桌 E 1027 一样,它的设计也使桌底可以侧向滑动到床下或扶手椅下,这样早餐或睡前阅读就触手可及了。